Students across Trillium Lakelands District School Board are now allowed to retrieve their personal belongings from their schools.
The school board says it now has a process in place for allowing students and families to enter school buildings to gather their personal items – which has been approved by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit.
In an interview with MyMuskokaNow, TLDSB District Manager for Corporate Communications Catharine Shedden says families can now check with their schools to see how their kids can get their stuff back.
“Every school will be slightly different based on the student body, the age of the students at the school, the layout of the schools. So, principals have been working to determine what this will look like and they are sharing this information with families to let them know when and how they can come into the school.”
Families are being organized into time slots, helping schools keep to a maximum capacity of 25 people at a time and allowing families to maintain social distancing while inside the school building.
Shedden notes they are simply taking the proper health precautions to ensure the health and safety of families and students.
“We’re requesting that it’s only one member of a family from grades 7-12, so that would be the student typically or a parent for the student. Under grade 7, it would be a parent with the student if they thought the student needed to be there to identify their belongings.”
If you are unable to come for whatever reason, you can arrange with your school to set up a way to have your child’s items returned.
Shedden adds that before retrieving your child’s possessions – that you conduct a COVID-19 self-assessment.
“We’re not permitting more than three people per classroom at a time. Certainly, every family is being asked to go on to the Ontario website and do the self-assessment to ensure that there is no chance that they have COVID-19.”
If you have any issues with retrieving items or you need further information – you can head to the TLDSB’s website.