Hot engines and dry vegetation are a deadly combination.
That’s according to Muskoka Fire Officials – who are warning residents of the dangers of leaving vehicles parked for extended periods of time.
COVID-19 has resulted in more people working from home and staying home due to public health measures and as a result – some vehicles maybe sitting for a long time before the operation.
Fire departments across the district are reminding car owners to ensure their vehicle’s engine compartments are free of debris and vegetation before travelling.
“Animals are using vehicles parked for longer periods of time to make nests,” explained Fire Chief Murray Medley of the Bracebridge Fire Department. “Before leaving your residence, take the time to open the hood and take a look for vegetation before driving away.”
Departments across the district have been responding to vehicle fires caused by these aforementioned hazards being packed under the hood of vehicles.
This has become a common occurrence to vehicles sitting during COVID-19, allowing animals to pack more vegetation around what is a potential fire hazard when the vehicle is finally operating.