MUSKOKA, ON-Following the commencement of Stage 2 of the Ontario reopening process, all places of worship are allowing people to attend service.
Set in effect on June 12th, the Town of Gravenhurst said that all buildings of worship could have no more than 30 percent of the building’s capacity at any time.
To support the reopening and safety of worshippers, guidance will be provided by spiritual leaders and their staff as well as the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit.
The SMDHU will also assist faith leaders if they decide to resume services.
It is recommended that faith leaders carefully consider how and when to re-establish face-to-face activities given the real risk of transferring the COVID-19 virus within the community.
Other recommendations made by the health unit include limiting celebrations like weddings and funerals attendants up to 10 people.
The SMDHU said maintaining physical distancing is also very important as well as making sure that if anyone gets tested or feels ill, they should stay home, have a central location for people to deposit donations, and discouraging having social gatherings following service.
For more information about what is allowed at places of worship, visit the SMDHU page here.