Bracebridge is looking to help residents stay cool and beat the heat.
The town said in a press release Thursday that it’s reminding residents and visitors to exercise caution during times of high temperatures and humidity.
During COVID-19, multiple facilities are still closed, and as a result – the town would like to offer a few solutions.
There are a number of ways to stay safe from the heat when you are unable to access air-conditioned spaces.
Firstly, the town reminds you of the importance of staying hydrated by drinking lots of water.
You’re encouraged to dress according to the weather, wearing loose-fitted, light coloured clothing, hats and sunglasses.
You should also avoid extended periods outdoors, and if you must be outside, be sure to stay in the shade.
You can keep your home cool by closing your blinds to block out the sun during the day while opening windows at night to let cool air into your home.
There is a wide range of heat-related illnesses from dizziness or fainting, extreme thirst, vomiting or nausea, behavioural changes in children and a rapid heartbeat and or breathing.
Being aware of the signs and symptoms can help prevent medical emergencies such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke.
Bracebridge also encourages people to reach out to those they know who may be having difficulties during a high heat period.
Seniors and children are most susceptible to the effects of extreme heat.
For information keeping pets cool, you can head here.
You can also refer to the Health Canada page – ‘Heat Tips, FirstAid for Heat Injuries.’
For local measures and advice – head to the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit’s website.