MUSKOKA, ON-The Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) is getting ready to hand out report cards to elementary and high school students.
Catherine Maciver from the board told MyMuskokaNow that student grading this semester would be based on both in-classroom and at-home learning.
Shedden said these report cards are from the third term of the school year, which started in February. She also noted that as students have not been in school since March, there were varying degrees of engagement.
The report card will be balanced in reviewing the work students did in class until March 13th and the work they have been doing at home during the pandemic.
Shedden reassured the newsroom the board is continuously following the Growing Success plan provided by the Ministry of Education in which the school work students have been submitting during this time has been appropriately assessed and graded.
Parents can expect to receive their child’s report cards at the beginning of July, either in the mail or electronically.