MUSKOKA, ON-The South Muskoka Hospital Foundation is being given a chance to receive half a million dollars.
Executive Director Colin Miller told MyMuskokaNow that they are pleased to receive a generous gift that will see donations up to $250,000 be matched by a group of Muskoka cottagers known as ‘The Friends on the Muskoka Lakes’.
The organization is an anonymous group of over 20 families who have made several donations to the Foundation.
Their spokesperson said, “Although Muskoka may not be our full-time home, it is our home, nonetheless. We view South Muskoka Memorial Hospital as our hospital and feel a responsibility to support it.”
This donation Miller confirmed will match any donation that is made to the Foundation, and if the full amount of $250,000, The Friends on the Muskoka Lakes will match it, allowing for a total of $500,000 to be received by the Foundation.
“In accordance with the wishes of The Friends on the Muskoka Lakes, the group’s matched donations will go first toward addressing additional expenses incurred by the hospital as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Miller hopes Muskoka residents will be inspired to join the group in this gift-matching opportunity and support the hospital’s critical work during this unprecedented time.
If you would like to make a donation, contact the Foundation at 705-645-4404 or visit their online site here.