He was handsome, a great athlete, loving father, husband, friend and active community member. These were some of the words friends and family used to describe Bruce Evans at his memorial ceremony yesterday. The Algonquin Theatre was packed with residents wanting to pay their respects. Our MP Tony Clement was event there to speak and described Evans upstanding citizens who cared about Muskoka deeply.
Meantime, Evans found it his duty to give back to the community. His son Gregg described his dad as a man who always repaid the kindness of strangers. His daughter Cheryl said her dad was a family man, a father who loved being around his kids. Evans wore many hats. As a developer, he was responsible for Grandview Resort, Roger’s Cove and the Muskoka Wharf. Evens died at Hospice Huntsville on February 3rd, after a long battle with prostate cancer.
(Picture by: Melissa Candelaria)