BRACEBRIDGE, ON-Following the Provincial Government’s announcement, Bracebridge is planning on reopening its playgrounds.
Set for July 24th, residents are being advised that while open, playgrounds and structures will not be sanitized, under the guidance of the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit.
Signage will be posted at all locations labelling the equipment is not sanitized and to use at your own risk.
To ensure your safety and others, the Town is offering advice to parents, caregivers and children.
Such recommendations include staying at home is you are exhibiting symptoms or feeling unwell, large gatherings should be limited, and all gathering should include social circles, maintain physical distancing, or if not possible, wear a mask, observe the recommended playground occupancy signage, clean and disinfect surfaces and objects if needed, wash your hands often, and always supervise your children.
Park Ambassadors from the Town will be visiting identified parks and beaches to promote and educate the public on physical distancing requirements as well as other guidelines.
For more information, visit the health unit site here.