Premier Doug Ford has some strong words for U.S. President Donald Trump. Ford called Trump a “backstabber” for slapping a 10-percent tariff on Canadian aluminum.
During his daily briefing, he said he has encouraged the federal government to impose retaliatory tariffs on all American products, “I am so disappointed with President Trump right now. We are their number one trading partner in the world. We buy more goods off the United States than China, Japan, and the U.K. combined. Who does this in times like this? Who tries to go after your closest ally, your closest trading partner, and your number one customer in the entire world? Who would do this? Well, President Trump did this. I encouraged the Deputy Prime Minister to put retaliatory tariffs on as many good as possible.”
Ford says Trump is slapping the American’s number one customer in the face by imposing the tariff and encouraged Canadian manufacturers and producers to proudly display Made in Ontario and Made in Canada logos on products. He also encouraged all Ontarians to make sure when they go shopping this weekend to check to see where products are coming from and only buy Made in Canada, in order to put pressure on the American government, “We [Ontario] are an economic powerhouse, go out there and buy Ontario made products. It’s us versus them [United States]. We are going to come out swinging like we never have before.”