MUSKOKA, ON-The Trillium Lakelands District School Board has released its detailed plan for its reopening in September.
Director of Education for the Board Wes Hahn noted that while the learning from home program benefited some students, others struggled, and showed that they needed to return to the classroom environment.
Following the Ministry of Education’s directive, all Kindergarten to Grade 12 students will be attending school all day, Monday to Friday, starting September 8th, unless parents choose to continue at-home learning, whose children must complete 300 minutes a day of learning.
If you choose to have your child remain at home, you must fill out the registration form here by August 13th. Once you make your choice, you will not be able to change it until late October.
In preparation for September, some details about what students can expect when they return include:
- There will be scheduled enhanced cleaning in classrooms and in all high-touch areas in the school several times throughout the day, and a deep cleaning once students leave the school at the end of the day and first thing in the morning.
- Anything your child or any staff member brings to school will be taken home at the end of the day.
- Desks will be in old-fashioned rows, and teachers will remain, where possible, at the front of the classroom.
- Your Grade 4 to Grade 12 child will be wearing a mask that you provide from home. The Board will also have masks available at the school. They will wear this mask throughout the day unless they are eating, or are outside and can safely physically distance. Kindergarten to Grade 3 children are encouraged to wear a mask.
- There will be arrows and signs throughout the school, providing clear directions to students.
More details about the September expectations can be found here.
The TLDSB is also encouraging families to prepare their children by practicing wearing a mask, washing their hands and using sanitizer, having them not touch their face, talk about physical distancing, and how to stay safe when riding the school bus.
As more questions arise from parents, the board plans on answering them as quickly as they can.
To stay updated on the school reopening in September, visit the TLDSB website here.