The Ontario University Athletic (OUA) Nordic Ski Race is coming to Huntsville this weekend. Hosted by the Arrowhead Nordic Ski Club and University of Waterloo, 11 universities from across the province will compete at Arrowhead Park. The two-day event will start, Saturday, with Olympic Style Team Sprints using skate techniques. The Distance Race using classic techniques will happen Sunday in conjunction with the Muskoka Loppet, which is Canada’s oldest classic loppet. Alumni students from the Arrowhead Nordic Ski Club or the Huntsville High School Nordic Ski program are coming home to compete. Students coming back include, Bryan Stone (Nipissing), Jamie Morton (Guelph), Robyn Klinkman (Guelph), Holly Jones (Carleton), Orion Austrup (Waterloo), Rachel King (Waterloo), Heather Moore (Toronto), Kathleen Mackinnon (Queen’s) and Amelia Espey (Queen’s). Top racers in this event will be sent to the OUA Championships February 22th and 23rd in North Bay.