The Poverty Reduction of Muskoka Planning Team (PROMPT) is holding a poor people’s inquiry on the changes to social assistance in Ontario. The inquiry’s happening at the end of the month and PROMPT’s asking the question, is social justice really Premier Kathleen Wynne’s top priority? Social assistance rates are being adjusted by 1 percent, which is the current rate of inflation. The province has also added a $14 top up for single adults without kids who are on Ontario Works.
All social assistance recipients are allowed to earn up to $200 a month without having their assistance reduced. PROMPT is asking if the changes to social assistance really puts food in the budget of people who are poor in Muskoka. The inquiry will be held at the Impact Café in Gravenhurst January 28th at 5pm. The café is located at 141 Main Street. If those attending need help getting to the meeting or need child care that evening, they can contact Susan Campbell at 705-645-6607.