The 67th annual Gravenhurst Santa Claus parade will be done virtually this year.
“Instead of preparing a float and driving down the street, they’re going to send us a video,” Executive Director of Gravenhurst Chamber of Commerce Sandy Lockhart tells the newsroom. The team at the Chamber hopes this makes the parade more inclusive. Lockhart says this allows people who may not have the manpower, time or money to make a float to participate. She suggests sending a video of Christmas jokes, your light display or details on the holiday-themed organization you’re raising money for. “One person sent us the story of how they made last year’s float,” she says. “I’m hoping someone will do a lovely choreographed dance.”
Santa Claus will be taking part in the virtual parade. He will be at the end of the parade. Lockhart says he will be answering questions from kids. “Tell us something you’re proud of, ask one question, and give one Christmas wish,” she says. You can email all of that through the Chamber’s website. “We’ve also heard rumours that he might take a drive around town and visit some kids,” Lockhart says.
If you want to take part in the virtual parade, email [email protected] with your video, or your questions. Lockhart says it doesn’t have to be a long pre-produced masterpiece. All they’re looking for is something 15 to 30 seconds long. “If in the past you haven’t been able to do a float, send us something,” she says. “Even if it’s just you yelling ‘Merry Christmas.’ Anything you want to do to celebrate the Christmas season.”
The virtual parade will be on Saturday, November 28th at 11 AM.