Bracebridge OPP says their Festive R.I.D.E. campaign is off to a “disappointing start” after catching two impaired drivers over the weekend.
The campaign began on November 26th.

On the 28th just after 11 PM, officers responded to a head-on collision on Highway 11 North near Beaver Ridge Road. OPP report the driver got on the highway travelling south in the northbound lane. “Fortunately the victim was able to take some evasive action and escaped with non-life-threatening injuries,” Constable Samantha Bigley says. Both drivers were taken to hospital as a precaution but later released.
A 49-year-old from Bracebridge was arrested and charged with impaired operation and operation causing bodily harm.
The second drunk driver was caught the next day around 7 PM. Officers responded to a call in a commercial area on Taylor Road in Bracebridge. Paramedics were already on scene attending to a man. After an investigation, a 24-year-old from Algonquin Highlands was arrested and charged with impaired operation and resist peace officer.
Both have court dates scheduled with the Ontario Court of Justice.