Emily Hogg, who runs her own pet grooming business called Spiffy Paws, is excited that she gets to reopen her business. At the same time, she says it’s a little complicated.
“There are actually a lot of rules that are going along with us being able to open. So, it’s not actually as simple as it sounds. I think I’m going to be waiting until at least next Monday or Tuesday to reopen. Today, I woke up this morning, and all of a sudden I find out I can reopen, and I was like whoa whoa hold on. It’s definitely great news but, it’s a lot more complicated than we were expecting.”
She says one of the rules that might make things complicated is that pet owners may require a note from the Vet saying that the pet requires grooming.
“I’m still waiting to hear back from By-Law to see if that applies to our area”
Since the announcement was made earlier Thursday morning by the provincial government that pet groomers can re-open, her phone has been ringing like crazy.