The local health unit added nine recoveries and four new cases of COVID-19 in the District of Muskoka today(Wednesday)bringing our district down to 83 active cases.
One case, a male 17 or younger, and two recoveries were reported in Bracebridge which now stands at 25 active cases.
One case, an 18 to 34-year-old female, and three recoveries were added in Muskoka Lakes which now has 24 active cases remaining, including one in hospital.
Gravenhurst saw two recoveries, including one that was in the hospital, and two cases, a 35 to 44-year-old and a minor who are both females, added keeping the town at 11 active cases.
One recovery was reported in Huntsville which now stands at 16 active cases and one was added in Georgian Bay pushing that town down to four active cases.
Another 528 first doses of a COVID-19 and 32 second doses were administered by the health unit just in our district in the last 24 hours.
As of Wednesday afternoon, 23,268 adults in the District of Muskoka, or 35 percent of our over 16 population, have received their first dose of a vaccine.