The Muskoka Fire Danger Rating is now at high.
This comes after multiple wildfires were started in the region over the weekend.
Extreme caution is advised for all open flames. Daytime burning is not allowed.
“We monitor the conditions, how dry things are in the bush, how much rain we’ve had, just to try to get an idea of what the danger is for fire spread, and we adjust the rating accordingly,” says Huntsville Fire Chief Rob Collins. “Recently the conditions have changed to warrant being rated at high.”
The Muskoka Association of Fire Chiefs advises never to leave a fire unattended, and recommends having adequate tools and water on hand at all fires.
Collins asks residents to be cautious ahead of Victoria Day.
“The long weekend is coming up and people will want to be out and maybe have campfires, that’s all great, but just take some extra precautions and make sure that your fire doesn’t get away on you and that way everyone can enjoy their weekend [and] be safe.”
Contact your municipality’s fire department for outdoor burning information.