The Town of Huntsville released a list of programming and community services available now under Step Three of Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen.
Starting tomorrow(Wednesday) the Centennial Pool at the Canada Summit Centre will reopen for lap swimming and aqua fitness classes with safety measures and physical distancing in place.
You can register for lap swim or aqua fitness classes online at or by phone at 705-789-6421.
And in about two weeks ice will be back in the Jack Bionda Arena with residents and user groups wishing to book ice time required to do so by appointment only.
If interested you can 705-789-6421 to book a spot on the ice starting Monday.
In addition, last week all outdoor recreation facilities reopened for organized sport and individual use, with some restrictions and safety measures in place, including 75% occupancy limits.
At this time, the indoor walking track at the Canada Summit Centre remains closed as the facility services the Covid-19 vaccination clinic and summer day camp programs.
And finally, park and event permits can now be obtained and indoor meeting rooms can now be booked by calling 705-789-6421 ext. 3027.