The District of Muskoka is partnering with the local YWCA to train women in home child care.
YWCA Muskoka’s Women in Business program and the Muskoka Home Child Care Agency (MHCCA) will run a free eight-week program which teaches participants how to start and run an agency-approved business.
“We’re hoping that the six participants will be able to run child care out of their home,” says Jamie Chapman, Director of Women’s Programming for YWCA Muskoka. “Parents will be bringing their kids to [the provider’s] home, and dropping them there, whether it’s full time or part time, for the provider to take care of them.”
Chapman says that each organization will play to their strengths.
“We’re taking the expertise of our two organizations,” says Chapman. “From the YWCA side, we’re going to focus on the business side of things: the visioning, business planning, budgeting, and financial literacy, and talking as well about self-care and stress management. On the other end, [the MHCCA] will take participants through everything you need to know about child care and the licencing process.”
According to the District, those that complete the program and start a MHCCA-approved home child care business will be eligible for a $3,000 grant to get their business up and running.
The program launches November 22nd and has six slots, one of which Chapman says has already been filled. Go to YWCA Muskoka’s website to register.