The District of Muskoka’s population has grown by over 6,000 people in the past five years.
Statistics Canada is starting to release the results of the 2021 census.
The district’s population added 6,060 new residents, which is up 10-percent from 2016. It puts Muskoka’s population at 66,674 people.
All six municipalities in Muskoka also grew over the past half-decade:
- Huntsville grew by 1,331 residents to 21,147, which is an increase of 6.7-percent.
- Bracebridge increased by 1,295 to 17,305, a bump of 8.1-percent.
- Muskoka Lakes grew by 1,064 to 7,652, which represents a 16.2-percent jump.
- Township of Georgian Bay now has 3,441 residents. The township grew by 927 people for an increase of 36.9-percent.
- Gravenhurst jumped by 846 to 13,157, which is an increase of 6.9-percent.
- Lake of Bays gained 592 new residents, which is an increase of 18.7-percent. There are now 3,759 residents in the township.
No data was available for the Wahta Mohawk Territory, but the aboriginal reserve Moose Deer Point First Nation grew by five to 213.
The district’s growth continues a trend that’s been ongoing since the beginning of the 21st century. The results of the 2001 census were released in May of that year. The district’s population had grown to 53,106. The district’s population has gone up in the four subsequent censuses.
Statistics Canada does a national census of population and census of agriculture every five years.