A new community brand for the Town of Huntsville will soon be rolled out after getting unanimous approval from council.
The aim is to unite the town’s brand with the brands of the Huntsville Business Improvement Area (BIA), the Huntsville/Lake of Bays Chamber of Commerce, and the Huntsville Municipal Accommodation Tax Association (HMATA).
Laura MacDermind, Huntsville’s economic development officer, explained to council on Jan. 30 that the brand will be used for tourism and economic initiatives. The municipal logo will not change, she added. She used examples of the town website, decals on vehicles, and business cards that will use the new logos.
She pointed out how between the town, BIA, Chamber of Commerce, and HMATA, there are four different brands. This will now unify the four. “One brand helps to unify and strengthen Huntsville as a tourism destination,” she said.
“What a difference a day makes,” said Mayor Nancy Alcock.
Alcock, who was deputy mayor at the time, was one of a handful of councillors who initially weren’t sold on the idea when the new brand was first pitched by TWG Communications in the summer of 2022.
“When I first saw it last year I was taken aback,” said Coun. Monty Clouthier. “I wasn’t too crazy about it.”
He echoed what other councillors said and added that the new brand has worn on him now that he’s seen it in use on pamphlets, vehicles, and wayfinding signage.
In MacDermind’s report to council she noted that $20,000 was set aside for the revamp, however, “community partners have been requested to contribute to the project in excess of the original $20,000 budgeted.”
Coun. Bob Stone asked if others organizations will be able to use the new branding.
MacDermid explained they have not worked out how the brand will be rolled out just yet. She said approval from council is needed before they can take the next steps, which include rolling it out in the community. Once that plan is devised, MacDermind says a set of guidelines will be put in place and will determine which organizations are able to use the new branding outside of the town-affiliated organizations.
“The new brand was created to reflect the contemporary realities of the community with a rich history, sensitivity for the past, a reflection of its confident present, and a clear vision for the future,” explained Lisa Spolnik, manager of marketing. “Finding elements to do all of this takes time and community engagement and an understanding of the future the community aspires to be.”
With council approval, town staff have been given the green light to continue to work with community partners to roll out the new brand. That includes getting the logo onto wayfinding signage, according to MacDermind.