Why not take a month off from mowing the lawn?
Gravenhurst Mayor Heidi Lorenz proposed having staff look into “No Mow May.” She explained the optional initiative would see anyone who volunteers to participate not mow their lawns until June 1. Lorenz said it’s to support pollinators in the early spring who are looking for their first food sources.
According to the Globe and Mail, the movement was started in 2019 by U.K. conservation charity Plantlife. It has since grown throughout the U.K. and has now started to make waves in Canada.
Council was unanimously behind the idea. According to Lorenz, staff will spend the next few days looking into how the idea could be implemented. A report will be submitted to the March 28 Planning Council meeting.
“It’s very important that we try to protect those different insets that do pollinate,” said Coun. Sandy Cairns, who backed Lorenz’s idea.
She pointed out that those that need to mow their lawn, like if they have allergies, can do it. This idea is more of an awareness campaign to keep pollinators like bees top of mind as the snow starts to melt and spring weather approaches.
“This is a climate issue,” said Coun. Peter M. Johnston. He added that while this may be “small” it’s important in the grand scheme of things. “There is no issue with climate mitigation,” he went on to say.
Having initiatives like No Mow May in the public eye can help spread awareness, he continued, and hopefully encourage others to make changes to be more sustainable.