The Township of Lake of Bays says turtle nesting season is underway and is asking everyone to be mindful of turtle crossings and nests.
It’s after officials say road resurfacing work was stopped after crews found a snapping turtle laying eggs by the roadside on Tuesday.
After the site was marked, officials say the Saving Turtles At Risk Today (S.T.A.R.T) program was contacted. They were on-site yesterday (June 19) and extracted 27 snapping turtle eggs. These eggs are now on route to the organization’s facility for incubation, with an anticipated release in August.
S.T.A.R.T says the incubation success rate is approximately 80 per cent.
“As a community, we have a responsibility to protect these animals, and we are so grateful for our friends in the S.T.A.R.T program, who do an incredible job assisting these beautiful creatures at risk,” said Mayor Terry Glover of the Township of Lake of Bays. “Great job to the work crew who spotted the nest, took swift action, and followed proper protocols to ensure we are being good stewards of our environment.”
For more information about the nesting season, click here.