There may not be as many “Save South Muskoka Hospital” signs around town.
Phyllis Winnington-Ingram, who is part of the Save South Muskoka Hospital Committee, posted on Facebook saying the town has asked for the signs to be removed.
“It goes without saying, I was a little stunned when I received the call,” she said.
In an email to the newsroom, Jacqueline Fulton, the town’s communications coordinator, explained how some of the signs – along with others throughout Bracebridge – are in violation of the town’s by-law.
“Town staff is conducting a review and removal of any illegal signs over the coming days, which is a routine occurrence,” she said. “Any signs that are found to be in violation of the by-law will be confiscated, stored and returned based on the town’s fee by-law. Staff notified the organizers in advance to provide them with enough time to remove their signs prior to the review taking place.”
She added that timing depends on “staff resources.”
Winnington-Ingram said in her post they were given until Friday at 2 p.m. to take the signs in question down.
She added, while disappointed, she’s thankful the town gave them a few days to coordinate. Winnington-Ingram said she was told they couldn’t get an exemption from the rule because it would be unfair to others who may be affected.
“It is difficult to say that one sign can stay up and another can’t,” she continued.