A plaque in recognition of Archy Sloan was unveiled outside the Gravenhurst fire station on Wednesday.
The recognition ceremony was held by the Municipal Heritage Committee.
Randy Jorgensen, Gravenhurst Ward four Councilor, says several members of the Sloan family attended along with other town council representatives.
“Archy was a figure in the late 1800s. Prominent man about town in Gravenhurst,” says Jorgensen.
He says Sloan was a former mayor, chief of police, fire official, and accomplished entrepreneur.
“So many people are familiar with Sloan’s restaurant that used to be in Gravenhurst for many years. It was very well known,” says Jorgensen.
He adds the Sloan family was “very touched” by the recognition.
Jorgensen says it took several months of work to make the recognition happen.
“This probably started around February, to be honest,” adds Jorgensen. “Longtime Sloan family friend Rusty Draper came forward to council and made a pitch.”
Jorgensen says Judy Humphries, who runs the Gravenhurst Archives, was familiar with and had a lot of information on Archy, which helped bring this project forward.
“This has kind of spurred us on to look for other families and individuals around town who we can recognize as well,” says Jorgensen.
He says Gravenhurst has a “rich history and lots of other important figures they can recognize.
“Archy is probably the first of a few that we will be bringing forward,” says Jorgensen.