Huntsville is preparing the 2025-2026 budget and has launched a survey to gather your input.
According to officials, the survey will be open until Sept. 30, and the results will be considered before the budget draft is finished.
Officials say the 2025-2026 Budget Survey asks residents about their views on various municipal spending priorities.
“We want to better understand what is most important to Huntsville residents when it comes to how your tax dollars are allocated in the 2025-2026 Draft Budget,” says Julia McKenzie, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer for the Town of Huntsville. “Whether you are a year-round resident or own a cottage or other property in Huntsville if you pay property taxes, then we want to hear from you. This is your opportunity to tell us what your priorities are when it comes to the various municipal services funded by the Town’s portion of property taxes.”
New this year, the Town will prepare budgets for two years at once.
“Having a multi-year budget allows the Town to effectively allocate resources over the longer term and makes it simpler for residents to see the future direction of taxes, municipal programs and services,” officials say.
The budget will be first considered at a two-day budget meeting on November 11 and 12, 2024. The Draft Budget will then be discussed by General Committee at one or more meetings. The final budget is expected to be passed by Council in January 2025. Proposals for new budget requests from the community have been received and the process is now closed.
For more information about the survey, click here.