It’s a free weekend of snowmobiling on OFSC trails.
The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs is once again celebrating Ontario’s Family Day long weekend with an open invitation for a complimentary test-drive of its trails.
However, with variable weather and uncertain trail conditions in many parts of Ontario, the OFSC is also strongly advising anyone wishing to test drive trails to double check trail status on the OFSC Interactive Trail Guide prior to riding each day.
Lower than normal snow conditions and milder temperatures mean that sledding opportunities are more limited than usual at this time so snowmobilers need to take extra care to give them the safest possible riding experience while test-driving OFSC trails.
Those wishing to take advantage of this complimentary offer must go online to to register a sled in advance for a no cost Try Our Trail permit, then print it out and attach it to the windscreen.
Try Our Trails snowmobile riders must also carry a valid driver’s licence or Snow Vehicle Operator’s Licence, sled registration, proof of insurance, and follow all the rules and assumptions for safe OFSC trail riding.