Muskoka is preparing for its own winter sporting excitement in March.
The district is hosting a few events as part of Orillia’s run of the 2018 Ontario Winter Games. In Bracebridge this includes Wushu and Synchronized Swimming at the Sportsplex. The events will run from March 1st to the 4th, which will interrupt regularly scheduled programs for swimming and pickleball.
However, all residents are invited to take in any of the winter games events for free. Find more information on which programs are cancelled here.
And Bracebridge isn’t the only Muskoka community hosting events. Huntsville will hold Speed Skating at the Canada Summit Centre on March 2nd and 3rd. You can also check out Sledge Hockey at the Graeme Murray Arena from March 2nd to the 4th.
Below you can find schedules for each of the sporting events being held across Muskoka: