Scott Aitchison could be facing legal troubles following an opinion piece in a local newspaper. Huntsville’s Mayor contributed to the Doppler’s series of commentaries last week, writing about his frustration with Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare and the hospital redevelopment talks. An appointed task force is looking at having two acute-care hospital sites, designating inpatient and outpatient care at each site, or moving to a single-site hospital model.
In the commentary, Aitchison wrote it’s clear to him that MAHC’s mind is made up with the talks, as they continue to push for a single site. He says language is a powerful tool, a comment reiterated last week during an interview with the newsroom.
Aitchison also said in the commentary that the elite Board of Directors is quick to remove people who challenge their direction, and it’s not for the people, but above the people.
The news that Aitchison could be getting sued for that commentary came out during Monday night’s council meeting. Aitchison says he was served a notice of defamation and cease-and-desist. He explained he was served the notice that there could be a lawsuit, and he could be sued, just prior to the council meeting, but said he wasn’t terribly concerned about it.
The notice was addressed to Aitchison in regards to his letter to the local paper, and it is copied to the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Huntsville as well as the Clerk. Aitchison says it’s unclear if MAHC is threatening to sue all of council, or just him.
During the meeting, Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare officials said they would be willing to meet with the town to discuss the status of the redevelopment talks further. A motion to send a letter to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care asking MAHC to be dissolved was put on hold until April so that meeting could happen.
Previous story:
MAHC provides more insight on the hospital redevelopment project