The town of Huntsville will be a little greener on Wednesday.
Green Party of Ontario Leader Matt Schreiner is on a 20-city, nine-day tour of Ontario to talk about the party’s plans for the upcoming election. According to party officials, Shriner will be in Huntsville to do a meet and greet with locals and open the floor for a question-and-answer period.
Green Party Candidate for Parry Sound-Muskoka Matt Richter says this will be an opportunity for Muskokans to hear about Schreiner’s ‘Green Vision’ plan and what that means for Ontario.
Mike Schreiner was elected leader of the Green Party of Ontario in 2009 and according to officials, he has spent his time advocating for small businesses and sustainable communities. Richter continued to say that the message they want to bring to Muskoka is how the Green Party does politics differently with a better vision of Ontario.
The Green Vision Tour stop gets underway Wednesday at 12:30 p.m in the Partner’s Hall, 37 Main Street East, Huntsville. Following the event will be the grand opening of Matt Richter’s campaign office, 36 Main Street East, Huntsville at 1:30 p.m.