Huntsville is letting the community know election information sessions are coming up. Hosted by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the webinars are going to focus on the rules surrounding third-party advertisers during the municipal election. That includes individuals, corporations, or trade unions that are registered in Huntsville to promote, support or oppose a candidate, as well as a yes or no answer to a question on the ballot.
The town says a third party advertisement could be broadcast, print, online or any other source that aims to promote a candidate or ballot question. It says there are requirements for both the advertiser and the publisher or broadcaster.
The first webinar is happening on Friday, April 13th from 2:00 to 4:00pm. Click here for the connection link. The second webinar is on April, 23rd from 6:00 to 8:00pm, and you can click here for that connection link. You can also call (416) 212-8014 or 1-866-500-5845 (Toll-Free) for either webinar. The conference ID for the 13th is 7421740 and 742174 for the 23rd.
Access is on a first-come-first-served basis, and each webinar can hold 100 people.