An initiative by Muskoka Brewery is seeing purchases of a new line of craft beers ultimately becoming donations to a range of non-profit causes in the region.
The Muskoka Brewery Community Venture Collection features different craft beers, with a dollar from the sale of each 750 ml bottle sold at their brewpub or online being contributed to the fund. Muskoka Brewery President Todd Lewin says over $47,000 has been raised for local not for profits, with a wide range helped since the launch in June.
The first offering from the Community Venture collection is the American Blond Ale, that sees the brew stored in Chardonnay barrels before bottling. Lewin says with a history of 22 years, that is a lot of community support enjoyed by the company and as an organization, they felt it was important to give back.
Lewin says it has been great to see how the fund is making a difference with various organizations in the area that might not otherwise have much access to community support.
If you would like to apply for support for your organization go the Muskoka Brewery website and fill out the request form.