There are a number of closures in Algonquin Park due to nearby forest fires.
Ontario Parks updated the list of closures yesterday saying officials were taking precautions. Access to Bissett Creek Road at the park boundary, Bissett Road Ranger Cabin, Lost Coin Lake Ranger Cabin, Berm Lake Hiking Trail and Eastern Pines Backpacking Trail have all been closed to the public.
Ontario Parks says Hardy Bay of Lake Lavieille, Dickson Lake and Ryan Lake have also been closed to camping. Those closures are due to blue-green algae.
You can stay up to date on closures by going to the Algonquin Park Advisories page here.
Ontario Parks also says a fire ban is in effect in Algonquin Park at this time. It says only portable gas/propane/naphtha stoves and barbecues that have a fuel source with a control valve may be used at this time.