Muskoka is lacing up for a great cause.
Sunday, Muskoka has just two of 200 plus Terry Fox Runs happening across Ontario alone and one of 9,000 across the country.
The annual run stems from the Marathon for Hope that Fox himself attempted to run across the country, to raise awareness and money for cancer research after losing his leg and eventually his life to cancer.
Runners across the country will attempt a much smaller run than what Fox took on, but the cause is the same. Raising money to fund cancer research.
The Terry Fox Foundation says “if $1 million towards cancer research was within reach, why not $1 from every Canadian” referring to the money that Fox raised during the Marathon for Hope.
The run in Bracebridge starts at 8:30am with registration at 9:30am at the Memorial Park Bandstand. The Huntsville run registration is at 8:00am and the run at 9:00am starting at the Huntsville High School.