Students in the Trillium Lakelands District School Board are having a special non-uniform day on Friday.
In 2014 the federal government passed a bill marking the third Saturday in September as National Hunting, Trapping, and Fishing Heritage Day in Canada. To celebrate the day students and staff in the TLDSB are being encouraged to wear camouflage. All week the school board has been urging people to get their camo clothes ready by sharing videos and articles that educate on the importance of hunters and trappers in Canada’s history.
The heritage day was created to celebrate the impact that hunting, trapping, and fishing has on the economy and ecosystem of the country. The day is also used as a reminder to Canadians that the abundance of fish and wildlife in the country does not exist accidentally.
To help raise awareness and celebrate the day, people are encouraged to wear camouflage to work or school and take a picture that includes the #CamoDay and #HeritageDay.