A local resort owner is seeking charges against several people, including Bracebridge’s top cop. High Falls Chalet Inn owner Brian Coldin, who is no stranger to controversy, has begun private prosecution against Bracebridge OPP Inspector Ed Medved, Crown Attorney Ted Carlton, Bracebridge OPP Detective Constable Randy Graham and a neighbor of Coldin’s, Anita Ramsay. A Justice of the Peace approved the matter going to a hearing February 28th in Bracebridge. The hearing will determine if the matters move ahead further. Contacted Thursday, OPP Constable Peter Leon said that as a result of the ongoing process it would be inappropriate to say anything at this time. Coldin, who is representing himself, told the Moose this week he will be seeking further charges against other individuals in the near future. Coldin’s seeking attempt to obstruct justice charges against MedVed and Carlton and uttering threats charges against Ramsay and Graham.