Knives are not okay on school grounds, that is a message the school board wants to get across.
Students and parents alike are being reminded that unintentional or not, knives and other weapons being brought to schools is a suspendable offence.
Last week, schools across the Trillium Lakelands District School Board all shared a poster detailing the policy about knives being brought to school. Sinead Fegan, the Communications Officer with the TLDSB, says that the board has seen an increase in incidents of knives being brought to school. Fegan explains in most cases the knives showing up at the school was accidental.
She goes on to give the example of students using their backpack over the weekend for an outdoor activity and simply forget to take it out before packing their bag again for school.
Fegan says “We are so fortunate to live where we do with such easy access to many outdoor activities.” She goes on to say “It is important for us to remind our families that knives are not permitted at school. This is why we are asking students to please check their bags and pockets before coming to school.”