Several schools in the area are getting some funds through the parents reaching out grant.
The Trillium Lakelands District School Board told My Muskoka that eight schools across the county were approved for the grant. Approved for the grant was Huntsville Public School, Irwin Memorial Public School, Macaulay Public School, Muskoka Falls Public School, Pine Glen Public School, Riverside Public School, Spruce Glen Public School, VK Greer Memorial Public School.
According to the Government of Ontario, the PRO grant is designed to identify barriers that parents face while trying to be engaged in their community. The PRO grant is supposed to help find solutions for getting more parents involved in student achievements, human rights, and the overall well being of students.
The Ontario government explains there are two types of PRO grant. The first is grants for schools which school councils can apply for to create initiatives designed to topple barriers stopping parents from being engaged in student success whether that being a language barrier or being new to the Ontario school system.
The second type of PRO grant the province offers is the grants for regional projects, which is designed for secondary organizations outside of the schools to work with parents with the same overarching goal of the other grant.
Now that the schools have been approved they will get a maximum $1000 for the sole purpose of engaging parents.