A Gravenhurst landlord has been fined $7,500.
The landlord pleaded guilty in Bracebridge Provincial Offences Court today to two counts of failing to comply with inspection orders issued by the Gravenhurst Fire Department.
Last August the fire department inspected the small John Street apartment that has four units. It says a number of fire safety problems were found, including smoke and carbon monoxide alarm issues.
The inspector issued orders outlining a timeline to bring the building into compliance. The fire department says several of the problems were fixed, but a number of others were not. Those included issues with a fire safety plan and record keeping.
On top of that, there was a build-up of combustible materials that weren’t properly addressed so charges were laid back in October.
“Building owners have an obligation to know and understand their responsibilities under the law. When it comes to the safety of tenants, the fire department is committed to ensuring that everyone in our community lives in safe conditions,” said Fire Chief Larry Brassard in a release. “We have a duty to act on the complaints we receive and are committed to doing so,” he added.
The chief stressed that the town’s purpose is not to punish, but rather pursue safety matters to the point where buildings are brought into compliance with the legislation, which applies to all municipalities in Ontario.
In most cases, where a building owner complies with orders, charges are not necessary. “In this instance, since the charges were laid, the landlord has moved the building much closer towards compliance and they continue to do so. As of yesterday, a couple of minor issues still need to be addressed and our inspector will be pursuing these in the days and weeks ahead,” said the Chief. “Failing this, additional charges may be laid,” he noted.