Pocket dials to the Huntsville OPP are on the increase.
Since March 7th the detachment says there have been 25 hang-up calls, the result of people’s phones accidentally dialing 911 while in pockets or bags.
Police protocol requires the dispatcher to try and make contact, and look up alternate numbers related to the phone. If the operator cannot speak to a person and verify their location then an officer is sent to the nearest cell phone tower the phone is pinging from.
This can take up to 15 minutes before a car is rolling to the area.
These dropped calls resulted in over 1,500 minutes of police time that officers could have used attending other calls.
“The OPP is mandated to attend all 911 calls to ascertain if there is an emergency, the Provincial Communications Centre cannot ignore it, they must determine if there is an emergency before they can move on to the next call,” confirms a release from the Huntsville OPP.
Another area of concern is people allowing small children to play with active or phones that still have a SIM card, even if the account is not active. Children can make a 911 call through handling the phone.