As a result of continuing rising water levels on April 28th Mayor Phil Harding has declared an Emergency under the Emergency Management & Civil Protection Act, and the Township of Muskoka Lakes has activated its Emergency Plan. The Township’s Emergency Control Group (ECG) is monitoring the situation closely.
The Township of Muskoka Lakes Emergency Control Group met on Saturday and Sunday morning to discuss the situation and will continue to monitor conditions.
Residents are encouraged to monitor local media outlets, the MNRF and the Township of Muskoka Lakes website for updates on water levels and recommended action.
Township staff will continue to communicate all information by means of media releases to radio stations and local newspapers, social media and the municipal website.
The Township has accessed additional sand bags. Sand bags are to be used to protect homes and accommodations only.The Township has made sand, sandbags and shovels available at the Glen Orchard Yard (3951 Muskoka Road 169), Patterson Yard (1078 Raymond Road), Bala Sports Park (3224 Muskoka Road 169), and Hanna Park (40 Bailey St)Â on a fill your own basis.