People hoping to visit Algonquin Park are limited in their options.
The provincial park is reminding visitors that there are still a big amount of closures within the park. According to park staff, there are a number of factors as to why they are delayed in opening activities and areas.
A big factor for the delays is the ice and snow still throughout the park. Park staff say ” nearly all lakes in Algonquin Park remained ice covered. Another factor for the delayed opening is the high water levels in the area, the park issued a flood warning April 26th, and that warning still remains in effect. Visitors are being asked to avoid areas with high water levels as cold water can be deadly.
“Based upon satellite imagery and ground observations, ice out is approaching Algonquin Park, but the high elevation portion of the Canadian Shield known as the ‘Algonquin Dome’ on which Algonquin Park is situated means additional time is required to melt snow and ice. Below average temperatures early this week are expected to slow ice melt and help push an ice out date into the single digits of May,” says park officials
Here is the list of closures for the park
All backcountry campsites (canoeing and backpacking) including Western Uplands Backpacking Trail, Highland Backpacking Trail, and Eastern Pines Backpacking Trail [expected to reopen May 10*]
Access points [expected to open May 10*]
Ranger cabins [expected to open May 10*]
Sand Lake Gate [expected to open May 10*]
Achray Campground [expected to open May 10*]
Brent Campground [expected to open May 10*]
Kiosk Campground [expected to open May 10*]
Rock Lake Campground [expected to open May 10*]
Tea Lake Campground [expected to open May 10*]
Whitefish Group Campground [expected to open May 10*]
Arowhon Road [expected to open May 10*]
Barron Canyon Road (at Sand Lake Gate) [washouts and road conditions] [expected to open May 10*]
Basin Depot Road (closed beyond km 33.5) [expected to open May 10*]
Centennial Ridges Road [expected to open May 10*] (gate closed at Highway 60) [road conditions]
Kingscote Lake Road [washouts] [expected to open May 10*]
Rain Lake Road [impassable at km 16] [expected to open May 10*]
Rock Lake Road [expected to open May 10*]
Opeongo Road (at the winter gate)
Source Lake Road (pylons at Highway 60)
Tea Lake Dam Picnic Ground Road [flooding]
Barron Canyon Trail [road conditions] [expected to open May 10*]
Berm Lake Trail [road conditions] [expected to open May 10*]
Booth’s Rock Trail [road conditions] [expected to open May 10* along with Rock Lake Road]
Brent Crater Trail [road conditions] [expected to open May 10*]
Hardwood Lookout Trail [trail open, but parking lot closed]
Whiskey Rapids Trail [flooding]
Here are the things open
All day-use permits
Highway 60
Visitor Centre
East Gate
West Gate
Interpretive walking trails (except those listed in the “closed” category)
Mew Lake Campground