Ontario artificial intelligence institutes to see $24M in cuts
More cuts are coming in Ontario as the artificial intelligence sector will see almost $25 million less than expected. The Vector Institute was supposed to get $30 million but will only get $10 million now. The Canadian Institute for Advanced Research will see a small cut with $4 million less than expected.
More than 1K Canadian soldiers claim to be sexually assaulted over past year
Despite years of trying, the Canadian Forces have apparently made next to no progress in eliminating sexual misconduct. A CTV article cited a new Statistics Canada Survey that said just over 1.5 percent of members claim they were the victim of a sexual assault over the past year. The rate was higher among those on reserves at over 2 percent.
Breakthrough in storage for human cells
A Canadian company is offering a more cost-effective way for people to store their cells for future medical purposes. Acorn Biolabs developed the non-invasive way of preserving genetic material from hair follicle cells. Acorn CEO told CTV that people should start preserving their cells for future treatments in case that get sick.