BRACEBRIDGE, ON – Nine Bracebridge local non-profit groups have benefited from town council grants totaling $9,000.
Last Wednesday Mayor Graydon Smith announced the recipients of the annual Community Grant Program.
In naming the groups, Smith underscored the importance of the contributions being provided through non-profit organizations and other community groups on behalf of the citizens of Bracebridge.
“Groups such as these are the backbone of a vibrant community. These agencies engage volunteers in a meaningful way to make positive impacts in Bracebridge and the surrounding area,” said Smith in a statement. “Council is pleased to support that work.”
One group receiving a grant of $1,000, the Muskoka Rowing Club, showered praise on the council for providing the funding.
“We are pleased to be able to put the funds from the Town towards the purchase of 8 new oars for a ‘new to us’ boat,” confirmed club director Beth Grimstead.
“This will allow more rowers to get out on the water, and enjoy the sport!”
The town has contributed over $100,000 since 2009 for local organizations.
2019 Recipients
[one_half]Alzheimer Society Muskoka $1,500
Hospice Muskoka $1,500
Bracebridge Senior Citizens Centennial Club $1,500
Muskoka Rowing Club $1,000
Macaulay Tree House $1,000 [/one_half]
[one_half_last]Muskoka Lawn Bowling Club $530
Bracebridge Agricultural Society $120
Safe Quiet Lakes $500
Community YWCA of Muskoka $1,500[/one_half_last]