Parents aren’t happy at Ontario’s focus on beer in corner stores over autistic children
Parents of autistic children will be protesting outside Doug Ford’s office in Etobicoke. 680 News reported they aren’t happy with his decision to prioritize funding based on age opposed to need. Protesters are also aiming at the provinces focus on where beer can be sold, while kids recently diagnosed with autism can’t be put on the waitlist.
Preschoolers need to stay active to keep arteries healthy
Physical activity in children as young as three can impact their heart health later in life. McMaster University followed 400 children from age’s three to five over three years to determine if being active had an impact on cardiovascular health. The study found that arteries stiffen quicker in the children that weren’t as active.
Captivity of whales and dolphins to be phased out Canada
Canada has decided to ban the captivity of dolphins and whales. The feds passed legalization to the celebration of many activists calling it a big win for animal rights. The bill will phase out the holding of crustaceans and will be grandfathered in. There are two facilities in the country which currently have the animals in captivity.
U.S. Border Patrol confirms cyber-attack on license plate pictures
Roughly 100,000 license plates crossing the U.S. border have been exposed to a cyber-attack. The Associated Press reported the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol confirmed the major breach. The federal agency wouldn’t name what company’s network was hacked but a Tennessee based subcontractor was recently compromised.
Obsession over getting enough sleep can cause insomnia
Sleep tracking apps are being linked to insomnia caused by stress. A sleep disorder specialist spoke at the Cheltenham Science Festival saying the apps can cause anxiety in the people who use them. He added they can be so obsessed with getting enough sleep it stresses them out to the point that they develop a sleep disorder.