MUSKOKA, ON- You can have fires in Muskoka again.
After recent storms bringing rain to the area, the fire chiefs for Muskoka have decided to reduce the risk from “extreme” to “high”, which will allow campfires again.
“Extreme” meant that no fires of any description may be lit during the time of the ban. Cooking fires, fires for warmth and use of fireworks were included in that prohibition.
With “High”, fireworks are still not permitted, and burn permits will not be sold. Extreme caution will need to be taken with all open flames, but campfires for cooking and warmth only are permitted.
Daytime burning is not permitted.
Anyone doing forest activities should use extreme caution when it comes to fires. You must have adequate tools and water to extinguish the fire if the need arises and you must be with your fire at all times. Consult with your local By-law Department for outdoor burning regulations in your municipality.
The fire chiefs in the area routinely meet to determine conditions and work as a unit to ensure fire restrictions are adhered to across the region.
The Muskoka fire season runs April 1st to October 31st. The rating is verified daily and updated whenever the rating changes.