BRACEBRIDGE, ON – A driver who failed a road sobriety test also has a stunt driving charge added to his ticket tally.
A 22-year-old man was spotted by the Bracebridge OPP around 1:10 am this morning travelling along Taylor Road at a very high rate of speed with the lights off. The driver then turned on to Cedar Lane and sped past the OPP detachment at more than double the posted speed limit.
When he was finally stopped by officers he received tickets for dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, stunt-driving, a charge for a novice driver with a blood alcohol content above zero, and driving with an open liquor container.
Constable Samantha Bigley of the Bracebridge detachment said it is troubling that these kinds of things are happening on the town’s streets.
“We do worry about the public safety element when people are reaching such speeds,” she said. “Heading past the detachment is, of course, an area there are no sidewalks. We do see sometimes pedestrians on the side of the road so certainly there is a risk present there as well.”
This driver will get a double road-side penalty with an automatic three-day suspension for being a novice driver with a blood alcohol reading and the stunt driving charge adding a seven-day suspension. On top of that, the vehicle will be impounded for seven days as well.
Bigley was unable to confirm the demeanour of the driver, in terms of was he apologetic and regretful for his actions, but from experience, she said it is more a regret of being stopped by police that is the biggest emotion.
“People are generally disappointed when they get caught,” Bigley said. “It’s no secret that the speed limits are in place and the stunt driving legislation has been around long enough that people should be aware by now there is a very hefty consequence to be suffered when you are caught at speeds 50 over the limit. You do suffer that roadside driver’s license suspension and the added cost and inconvenience of having your car impounded.”
The young Bracebridge man will answer to his charges at the Ontario Court of Justice in Bracebridge on October 8th.