Gravenhurst council approves the town’s 2014 budget. At a recent meeting, council approved its Operating Budget of $10,315,454; Capital Budget of $3,185,642 and Urban Street Lighting Budget of $174,799. According to staff, the increase of 1.31% will result in a rise of $5.78 annually for a residential property valued at $100,000. Mayor Paisley Donaldson says she’s pleased with the minimal increase and thanks the senior management team for helping the town achieve their budget. As priority capital projects, council reserved the replacement for the Centennial Centre ice making equipment for $1,500,000 and an assessment review of the Seniors Centre Building for $30,000. In addition, Council budgeted $47,150 as the first of seven installments for its $320,000 pledge to the South Muskoka Hospital Foundation.