MUSKOKA. ON-The Big Brothers Big Sisters programs face a financial crisis in Muskoka and are at risk of shutting down.
On November 1st, the Board of Directors of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Muskoka made an urgent request for donations to support 22 matches and the 28 waiting children and youth to enter the program.
Samantha Ennest, the Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Muskoka, said in a press release that they are facing a problem like many other not for profits, with fundraising efforts are not as profitable as they were in the past.
On average a single match in Big Brothers Big Sisters costs about $1,500 each year. According to the group’s announcement, finding reliable streams of funding has become increasingly challenging, as the resources they have relied on in the past are now not guarantees.
If you are interested in helping the Big Brothers Big Sisters program stay active, they say you could donate to the organization, spread their message on social media, join as a volunteer or if you are a business owner, you can partner your business with the organization.
For more information about Big Brothers Big Sisters, you can go to their website here.