BRACEBRIDGE, ON-A brain injury support group in Bracebridge is going to receive help from recovery experts.
The support group that meets every second Wednesday of the month at St. Thomas Anglican Church is going to bring in professional guest speakers that help people who live with brain injuries.
Group founder Barrie Faulkner told the newsroom that they will be bringing in occupational therapists, speech therapists, social workers, and a manual Osteopathy that helps people who struggle with moving parts of their body.
Faulkner said the support group is open to anyone who lives with a brain injury. “Sometimes you think you are going nuts, but when you come to the meeting you learn that your behaviour is normal for someone who lives with a brain injury.”
The group gives people a place to come together to talk about their experiences and what they go through on a daily basis. “The meetings don’t just end after our time is up. When I walk out of the church I will see people on the sidewalk continuing the conversation where we left off at,” said Faulkner.
If you are interested in sitting in on a meeting, the next one will be on March 11th at 1:00 p.m.